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Hope In Art was created to help those in difficult situations caused by life threatening illnesses find hope. Art is therapeutic and can help relieve stress. Hope In Art consists of four squishy art kits to help relieve stress during the completion of the kit and afterwards. The kits produce soft squishy foam toys that can be squished and squeezed like a stress ball. 

Hope In Art started off as a Girl Scout Silver Award in the summer of 2015, and is now a Girl Scout Gold Award. As a child, I was diagnosed with Stage 4 Hepatoblastoma. Because I was so ill and only two years old, I was not able to do much in the hospital besides watch television and do art. Now healthy, at the age of sixteen, the only things I can recall from that long year at the hospital was drawing and sculpting with play-dough. I found peace and happiness through the arts even at such a young age. I hope those of you affected by such illnesses can find the same happiness in these kits as I did in art. Let's find Hope In Art. 

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Four squishy tutorials made for Hope In Art squishy art kits. Playlist linked below.


Special thanks to Kits & Art foundation for supporting me and providing the opportunity to win the Amaeyzing Spirit Scholarship. I would also like to thank all my advisors: Jennifer Jacoby-Yeh, Purvi Shah, Huy Nguyen, Margaret Reid, and Elizabeth Nolan. Thank you for all your time, help, and support you have given me throughout the completion of my Girl Scout Gold Award.   

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